Not just your average injectable treatment.

Check out what Sculptra can do!

The Scoop on Sculptra

  • Sculptra® Aesthetic is an FDA-approved facial injectable treatment that helps boost the skin’s own natural collagen production to restore its inner structure. It also provides long-lasting results -- more than two years

  • Sculptra® Aesthetic is different from hyaluronic acid fillers because it helps treat an underlying cause of facial volume loss —the reduction of collagen.

  • Collagen acts as the skin’s support structure and helps maintain skin’s shape. As we age, we lose collagen, and the skin’s inner structure is weakened, reducing its ability to maintain elasticity and moisture.

  • Sculptra® Aesthetic works deep within the skin’s surface and is gradually and naturally absorbed by the body to help stimulate collagen production, reinforcing the skin’s inner structure.

  • Sculptra® Aesthetic is a key to unlocking a more youthful-looking appearance because it helps restore facial volume and improve the look of the nasolabial folds (smile lines), marionette lines, pre-auricular wrinkles (the vertical wrinkles in front of the ears), radial cheek folds (vertical wrinkles on the lower cheek) and chin wrinkles.

  • Off label, Sculptra can be used to lift the glutes or fill-in ‘hip dips’

  • On average, three treatment sessions are needed over a few months. The treatments are scheduled at least 8 weeks apart so the results are subtle and develop gradually over time.

  • Sculptra® Aesthetic is made from Poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) and has been on the market for 10 years in the U.S. and 20 years in Europe.

  • Side effects of Sculptra® Aesthetic treatment are generally mild to moderate in severity and similar to those seen with hyaluronic acid dermal fillers and may include injection site swelling, tenderness, redness, & mild bruising.